Project Master Role in CelerBuild

As a Project Master in CelerBuild, you play a crucial role in overseeing project deployments. This guide will walk you through your key responsibilities and how to perform them effectively.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Reviewing project deployment requests
  2. Performing developer operations

Reviewing Deployment Requests

As a Project Master, you have the authority to review and approve deployment requests.

Process Overview:

  1. When a developer submits a deployment request, you'll be added to the list of assigned reviewers.
  2. You'll receive a notification for each new deployment request.
  3. Review the request details and approve or reject as appropriate.



Handling Review Requests:

  1. Navigate to the Notifications section when you receive a new review request.
  2. Click on the notification to view the deployment details.
  3. Carefully review the proposed changes and deployment settings.
  4. Approve the request if everything looks correct, or provide feedback if changes are needed.


Developer Operations

As a Project Master, you retain all the rights and capabilities of a Developer role. This allows you to:

  • Initiate deployment requests
  • Execute approved deployments
  • Perform rollbacks when necessary

For detailed information on developer operations, please refer to the Developer Role Guide.

Best Practices

  • Thoroughly review each deployment request, paying attention to the changes being deployed and the target environment.
  • Communicate clearly with developers if you need more information or if changes are required before approval.
  • Stay informed about the project's overall goals and roadmap to make informed decisions during reviews.
  • Regularly check your notifications to ensure timely responses to deployment requests.

By effectively managing deployment reviews and maintaining your developer skills, you play a vital role in ensuring smooth and successful project deployments.