Project Configuration in CelerBuild

Project configuration can be managed by different roles depending on your CelerBuild version:

Standard Version

  • Administrators: Full control over all project configurations

Pro Version

  • Administrators: Full access to all project configurations
  • Space Owners: Can configure projects within their spaces
  • Project Owners: Can configure their own projects

CelerBuild project configuration consists of four main sections: Project Information, Repository Settings, Deployment Configuration, and Deployment Commands. This guide will help you understand and set up each section effectively.

Configuration Overview

Project Configuration-part1 Project Configuration-part2

1. Project Information

Basic information about your project:

  1. Project Name

    • Enter a unique, descriptive name
    • Used to identify your project in CelerBuild
  2. Environment

    • Select deployment environment (dev, staging, production)
    • Helps organize and manage different deployment stages
  3. Space Selection

    • Standard version: Use 'default' space
    • Pro version: Create and manage multiple spaces
    • Organize projects by team or department

2. Repository Settings

Configure your source code repository settings:

  1. Git Repository

    • Enter your project's Git repository URL
    • Supports GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and other Git platforms
  2. Branch/Tag Settings

    • Branch: Specify which branches to use
    • Tag: Set the number of latest tags to display
    • Limiting branches/tags improves synchronization efficiency

3. Deployment Configuration

Set up your deployment environment:

  1. Target Deployment Path

    • Specify the server path for project deployment
    • Example: /var/www/myapp
  2. Target Repository Path

    • Define storage location for project packages
    • Example: /var/repositories/myapp
  3. Version Retention

    • Set number of project versions to retain
    • Helps manage disk space and rollback options
  4. Server Cluster

    • Choose deployment server cluster
    • Manage multiple servers as a single unit
  5. Deployment User

    • Specify user account for deployment execution
    • Must exist on all cluster servers
    • Requires necessary permissions

4. Deployment Commands

Configure the commands for your deployment process:

Build Commands

Example usage:

make build && cd build && tar -zcvf ${LOCAL_PACKAGE_FILE} *

Key points about build commands:

  • Customize make build && cd build for your project
  • Keep tar -zcvf ${LOCAL_PACKAGE_FILE} * as the final command
  • ${LOCAL_PACKAGE_FILE} is a required CelerBuild variable

Pre-deployment Commands (Optional)

Commands executed before the main deployment:

Example usage:

[ -d "$PROJECT_DIR" ] && cd "$PROJECT_DIR" && ./

Post-deployment Commands (Optional)

Commands executed after deployment completion:

Example usage:


Built-in Environment Variables

CelerBuild provides these variables for your deployment scripts:

  • ${LOCAL_PACKAGE_FILE}: Package file path
  • ${TARGET_DEPLOYMENT_PATH}: Deployment path
  • ${TARGET_DEPLOYMENT_PROJECT_NAME}: Project name on target server

Example usage:

[ -d "$PROJECT_DIR" ] && cd "$PROJECT_DIR" && ./ || echo "Directory $PROJECT_DIR does not exist"

Best Practices

Project Organization

  • Use clear, descriptive project names
  • Organize projects into appropriate spaces (Pro version)
  • Maintain consistent environment naming

Repository Management

  • Keep repository URLs up to date
  • Limit branch/tag numbers for better performance
  • Regular cleanup of unused branches and tags

Deployment Configuration

  • Use appropriate deployment paths
  • Set reasonable version retention limits
  • Configure correct deployment user permissions

Command Configuration

  • Optimize build commands for efficiency
  • Test pre/post-deployment commands thoroughly
  • Utilize built-in variables for consistency


  • Use secure repository URLs
  • Implement proper user permissions
  • Regular security audits of deployment scripts


  • Test configuration in staging environment
  • Verify all commands work as expected
  • Document custom configurations